Monday, December 12, 2011

In Brief: Redface Moment

So, while at the store Saturday, I saw a gentleman and his wife talking a bit about Isaacson's Steve Jobs. There's a huge display next to the digital sales desk where I work. I've been enjoying Jobs since acquiring a personally signed copy from Isaacson several weeks ago when he visited the store. So I usually mention to everyone who picks it up that it's a great read, seeing as it's a hefty book and fairly pricey.

I mentioned this to the gentleman and his wife, and he gave me an odd look, and countered, "You should try the book about Jack Kennedy over there. Been on the New York Times Bestseller List for weeks. I wrote it."

And then he and his wife left, leaving me completely tongue-tied at having just unknowingly recommended Isaacson's book to CHRIS MATTHEWS.

Head, meet desk.

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