Wednesday, March 06, 2013

B is for Blog Hops—the A-Z Blog Challenge

One thing I was completely unprepared for in the blogosphere was the plethora of contests, awards, and hops. And the ways in which those things allow us to meet all sorts of other wonderful people along the way. See, I’m the shyest extrovert I know—the idea of speaking in front of 25,000 people doesn’t faze me in the least (and I’ve done it), but tagging someone I don’t know on a blog hop? That makes me break out in cold sweats and want to crawl into a hole.

But guess what? Turns out I have nothing to be shy about. I blogged last year about learning that all of this is about first and foremost, making friends. And I like making friends.

So....I’m participating this year in the A-Z blog hop. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a challenge where during the month of April, bloggers blog short posts on a myriad of topics, but all linked via blogging straight through the alphabet. So “A” might be for “agents” on a writer blog, or for “apple pie” on a food blog. Last year, I saw a lot of people participating in my feed, and it looked like fun. It’s going to be crazy, given that I’m teaching and trying to make waves on my dissertation, but a challenge isn’t a challenge if it’s not challenging, right? To learn more, head on over to A-Z Challenge, where you’ll see the full linky of all those participating. It looks like we’ll be numbering well over 1,000, with bloggers of all different ilk. You’ll find the link in my badge over here, as well.

I’m looking forward to meeting as many A-Z bloggers, especially writer bloggers, as I can during the month of April, and hope those who drop by here enjoy the ride!

Meanwhile, all of us are starting to visit each other, and so, I find myself once again being nommed for a blog award. As it turns out, blog awards aren’t something to crawl into a hole about—they’re another way to make friends and to introduce some friends to our other friends. So stop by tomorrow for my thanks to KS Collier for nominating me for the Liebster Award, my answer to her questions, and my eleven friends I’d like to introduce you to!


  1. All these challenges really make my head spin sometimes. Looking forward to meeting a bunch of new bloggers through the A-Z challenge!

    1. I know, right? There are *so many,* from the weekly ones to the onetime ones, to the once-a-year ones...

      But I keep finding it's a great way to grow my list of "interesting people to talk to," and that's how I try to view it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Good luck in the blogging challenge. Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers


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